Mortgage Survey
Boundary Survey
Recombination Survey
Flood Certificate

Lentz Land Surveying PLLC
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Phone 910.916.0296
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Phone  910.916.0296
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    For homes and structures that are located within the 100 year flood hazard zone, lending institutions will require the homeowner to obtain flood insurance.

   The flood insurance rates are determined by various factors. The  FEMA  Elevation Certificate provides the supporting information for the homeowner to acquire the lowest possible Flood Insurance rate.

   In addition, some homes are naturally elevated above flood elevation, yet inadvertently (mistakenly) shown within the 100 year flood zone.  With the permission of the lender, these homes my be removed from the flood insurance requirement by a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA), thus saving the homeowner possibly thousands of dollars in flood insurance premiums. 

Interested in learning more about our flood certificate surveying services?